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Thursday, October 7, 2010

the suitors

I was still disguised as a beggar. I went to my home, and entered it. I was confronted by the suitor Antinous. He began shouting at me. He wouldn’t give me some food like all the other suitors did. He said,” What evil wind blew in this pest? These men have bread to throw away on you because it is not theirs. Who cares? Who spares another’s food, when he has more than plenty?” I replied to him,” You sit here, fat on other’s meat and cannot bring yourself to rummage out a crust of bread for me!” I made Antinous angry at me, and he threw a stool at my right shoulder on the packed muscle under the shoulder blade. Penelope heard the blow, and knew who gave it. She said,” Would god you could be hit yourself, Antinous hit by Apollo’s bowshot!”

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